two bowls of oatmeal with fruits
two bowls of oatmeal with fruits

Welcome to Pinnacle Nutrition Coaching (PNC), where we empower corporate professionals and businesses in Melbourne to achieve peak performance through nutrition. At PNC, we understand the high demands that come with being in the corporate world and offer tailored nutrition coaching that fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle. In addition, we also offer consulting and partnerships with corporate clients who want to foster a culture of wellness within their organisations.

Whether your goal is to boost productivity, enhance energy levels, weight management (fat loss and/or muscle gain), or simply to maintain a healthy lifestyle, our expert coaches are here to guide you every step of the way.

Join us on your journey to sustainable health and performance through nutrition. At PNC, we understand that the pinnacle of your career comes from investing in your health and fitness.


Individual Clients

Personalised nutrition coaching tailored specifically to your individual needs. This is a weekly subscription that gives you a meal plan, weekly check-ins, and fortnightly consults.

fruit salads
fruit salads

Don't need the support and just want a plan? Well, a once-off personalised meal plan is your perfect solution.

Want to make a change but don't want to commit? Enjoy individualised nutrition consults as and when you need them to help work through any problems or after any specific advice.

sliced fruits
sliced fruits
man using MacBook
man using MacBook

Nutrition coaching

Nutrition consults

Once-off plans

Corporate Clients

Care about the well-being of your employees? Choose PNC to host evidence- and research-based seminars on nutrition topics best suited to add value to your employees' lives.

grayscale photography of two people raising their hands
grayscale photography of two people raising their hands

Ready to make a lasting impact on your team or workforce? PNC can program a 12-week nutrition challenge that can help your employees come out healthier, happier and more informed.

Want to make it more personalised for your employees? Let PNC come to you in person or online to strategise nutrition and work through current struggles with your employees.

man reaching hands up high taken at daytime
man reaching hands up high taken at daytime

Corporate seminars

Wellness challenge

Corporate consults

At Pinnacle Nutrition Coaching, we specialize in empowering business professionals to achieve their fitness goals through tailored nutrition plans, backed by science and practical insights.

Pinnacle Nutrition Coaching

A proud member of Sports Nutrition Association