Pinnacle Nutrition Coaching was born from a vision to revolutionise the way corporate professionals approach their nutrition. Recognising a critical gap in wellness within the corporate world, we set out on a mission to provide targeted nutrition coaching that caters specifically to the needs and challenges of busy executives and businesses alike.

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Our mission

It is our mission to empower corporate professionals and businesses to optimise their performance and well-being through personalised nutrition coaching. We strive to bridge the gap between health and productivity by delivering tailored strategies that fit seamlessly into busy lifestyles, fostering a culture of wellness, and peak performance.

Our vision

Our vision is to be the leading provider of nutrition Coaching services for corporate environments in Melbourne. We envision a future where every individual and organisation prioritises nutrition as a cornerstone of success, in their personal and professional lives.



Founder / Accredited Sports Nutritionist

I'm Sherwin, an Accredited Sports Nutritionist, a finance professional, and the guy behind Pinnacle Nutrition Coaching.

As a corporate professional with a background deeply rooted in finance, I’ve experienced firsthand the demands and pressure of the industry. However, my journey took a transformative turn when I discovered my passion for nutrition and business.

Recognising the unique challenges finance professionals face in maintaining a healthy lifestyle amidst their demanding careers, I embarked on a mission to bridge the gap between financial success and physical well-being.

At Pinnacle Nutrition Coaching, we specialise in empowering finance professionals like yourselves to achieve your fitness goals through tailored nutrition plans, backed by scientific expertise and practical insights.


Senior Consultant / Accredited Sports Nutritionist

I'm Angus, an Accredited Sports Nutritionist and a PT with over 5 years of experience. After completing my Bachelor of Finance/Economics I knew something was missing. After training for years and focusing on my nutrition, I soon began to realise the positive effects it had all other aspects of my life including my career. This was the pivotal moment when I decided to change pathways and help others benefit from those effects. 

Now my years spent in the fitness industry, paired with my love and drive for business, have resulted in me working with a wealth of clients from different walks of life. Working specifically with business professionals and recreational athletes, I've seen first hand the benefits improving ones nutrition has on all other aspects of life.

Whether you're looking to build muscle mass, lose weight, improve performance, or simply maintain your overall health and wellness, I can help you achieve your goals.